Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Learning to ski in France

In the French alpine valley of the Tarentaise, fearless students Rico, Finley and Daniel took to the slopes and learnt to Ski with The Outlook Trust!

The Outlook Trust is a charity providing activities and residential breaks for children and young people who are blind, visually impaired or disabled.

Every six months the Trust organises a ski trip and on this occasion, NCW students Rico, Finley and Daniel were able to give it a whirl.

The group of intrepid learners, volunteers and ski buddies set off to La Plagne on 22 February, hoping for great conditions to get to grips with the slopes.

With the sun shining, it didn’t take long for our students to get the hang of it – they were all up and skiing by the end of the first day with the support of ski buddies.

It certainly didn’t stop there – our trainee skiers took the bull by its horns and improved day by day.

Finley accomplished his snow plough turns with seamless control; Daniel skied unaided with great enthusiasm and Rico conquered side stepping up the slope to ski back down with real skill.

Well done boys!

Rico, expressing his thanks, said: “I’m thankful to the people who have supported us and taught me how to ski!”

A big thank you to The Outlook Trust and Disabled Skiers in Action for giving our three students a fantastic experience!

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