Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Harrison works in Germany!

During the summer term, NCW student Harrison endured a fantastic opportunity to work in Germany! Here, he tells us all about it…

“During mid-June 2019, I had the enormous pleasure of undertaking my work-experience in Marburg, Germany. Situated near Frankfort, this is a relatively obscure area of the country, which is home to a historical learning institution for young persons with a registered vision impairment.

NCW has had a long-standing and consistent relationship with the school, known by the acronym BLISTA, for well over 25 years, so I was well-assured of a worthwhile and productive experience which would enhance me personally as a modern foreign languages enthusiast. I was certainly not disappointed, and can truly claim to have gained a tremendous amount of insight which can be applied throughout my subsequent A2 French and German studies.

The majority of my stay was spent assisting pupils within certain subject lessons, mainly English, though the odd Economics instalment or two proved quite challenging, and not just in terms of the punishingly complex degree of German being spoken!

One of the most valuable highlights to take back to England without question has to be when observing a group of, so-called, elementary English learners aged approximately 10-12 years. The standard of spoken language displayed, from all fronts, was simply phenomenal. They not only continually demonstrated superb application, but also an ingrained sense of enthusiasm and appreciation of foreign culture and linguistics, which, in my humble opinion, simply does not exist in the same way here in England.

Situated throughout the town itself, there was a vast assortment of cafés and restaurants as well as a variety of book and music sellers and general souvenir outlets available. During the week I also observed a medieval performance, along with a contemporary soundtrack, at the famous Marburg castle. This was rather unusual, but a worthwhile and mostly successful experiment nonetheless.”

Harrison, Year 13

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