This term we have been writing the final reports for the Erasmus project which has linked us to five schools across Europe for the last three years. Erasmus is the EU-funded project which is all about getting people to travel and share ideas and culture.
In the 16 months before lockdown, 17 students from Y9, 10, 11 and 13, as well as 13 members of staff, experienced the life and rich culture of Poland, Spain, Romania and Bulgaria. In February 2020, we enjoyed hosting people from the schools. We were able to take visitors to the iconic and historical points of interest such as the Black Country Living Museum and Worcester Warriors, as well as providing the opportunity to join NCW lessons and try English country dancing.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 meant that we were unable to travel to Turkey, but in June, members of Y11, 12 and 13 took part in a virtual mobility lesson. Our Turkish hosts entertained us with a rich insight into their culture, music, art and history. The comments of our Head Girl, Freya, after the virtual mobility session sum up our feelings about the opportunities that our involvement through the three years provided:
“The project was a fantastic experience for all involved. Both staff and students seemed to thoroughly enjoy it and come away with something new. Thank you to all of the organisers for allowing us to take part; it was very interesting and educational as well as brilliant fun!”
Post-Brexit, we are now aiming to explore possibilities through the new Turing scheme – this is the UK government’s new scheme to provide funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world.