Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Students experience pottery with Museum of Royal Worcester

On Wednesday 24 November, Year 7 and 8 students had the wonderful opportunity to have a pottery session with visitors from the Museum of Royal Worcester.

Visitors Kay and Louise brought with them the pop up museum, and were able to let students have an afternoon exploring the creative work from well-known Royal Worcester Porcelain. Students delved into holding rare and decorative pieces from their collection, some of which dated all the way back to the 18th century!

One museum piece was a specially created Plaster of Paris mould made for the Earl of Coventry after he lost his sight in a hunting accident. This piece had raised relief depicting leaf forms and a raised pattern edge.

As a starter, flowers and fruit were passed around and students were given a small amount of clay to try and model which item they had been given.

After everyone had explored the items, students were split into two groups, with one half creating clay plates by rolling out the clay and using a template to fit the clay onto, and the other group creating coil pots using small plant pots to work around. Students were able to use floral stamps to press into the clay to add decorations to their finished pieces!

Year 7 and 8 worked very hard that afternoon and have some wonderful pieces to show for their hard work and effort.

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