A course for exploring a screen reader from the inside for parents/carers of children with a vision impairment, teachers or teaching assistants working with a child who has a vision impairment or anyone else wishing to understand how screen readers work at a fundamental level.
Screen reading technology is the cornerstone of a blind person’s access to digital information. Despite every reader on the market coming with an instruction manual and very in-depth help, the underlying concepts and fine-level details are often overlooked, especially for a sighted audience.
The course will be devised over two days, starting with the basics and moving on to the advanced. Participants can choose to attend day 1, day 2 or both days. The cost is £150 per day and lunch and refreshments are included.
The basics will cover computer and mobile screen reading programs. You will learn what a screen reader can and (perhaps more importantly) cannot do, the necessity of good keyboard and touch-screen skills and some of the tips and tricks of the trade.
The advanced focuses on using screen readers in education and will cover screen reader setup and configuration, Windows navigation and document editing, the internet, email and document sharing.
Day 2 attendees will get a copy of the NVDA screen reader to take away plus discounts on training materials from NVAccess.