The NCW School Quiz!
Saturday nights may have taken on a whole new meaning lately but, with light at the end of tunnel, we thought we’d bring a bit of school fun and entertainment to your lockdown Saturday “in out” night. So grab a drink of your choice, some nibbles, and let’s have some fun!
There will be 6 rounds of 10 questions provided by our very own teaching staff – so be prepared to have your brains tested!
The entry fee is £10 per team and there is an option to make a further donation.
Prizes for the top 3 teams (point deductions for cheats!)
School uniform / fancy dress – Optional
Thank you for helping to support and improve the lives of the blind and vision impaired students of New College Worcester
Once registered for the quiz and your £10 entry fee is paid, you will be provided with the link and the meeting ID to the Zoom event. You will need to download Zoom but can delete it afterwards.
Book your tickets here!
#NCWLockdownQuiz #SupportUs #SaturdayNightInOut