The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers is a modern Livery company with all of the members being involved in, or linked to, the lighting industry. The membership represents all sections of the lighting and electrical industry, including lamp and luminaire manufacturers, electrical contractors, electrical wholesalers, public lighting engineers, consulting engineers, lighting designers and architects.
As well as fostering the art and science of lighting and promoting fellowship in the industry, the Company also invests in its future by encouraging the development of education and training programmes, and, via the Lightmongers Charitable Trust also provides support to charities helping those who suffer from sensory deprivation of sight or hearing.
NCW, along with Mary Hare School for deaf children, is fortunate to be one of the educational settings which benefits from ongoing support from the Charitable Trust.
At the May’s Court dinner each year, two students from each school receive an Exceptional Achievement Award sponsored by Past Master Hugh Ogus MBE.
In May 2022, NCW students Mustafa and Martha attended the dinner.
Mustafa was presented with an award from Master Margaret Fitzsimons, for his commitment as Head Student for 2021/22. Unfortunately, fellow Head Student for this year, Asriel, was unable to attend the dinner but Martha, who was Head Student in 2020/21 and last year’s winner accepted the award on their behalf.
Mustafa said: “My favourite thing was the dessert!”
Martha said: “People were really welcoming”
During the whirlwind trip the students also managed some sightseeing around the Tower of London, and the obligatory photographs with Paddington Bear at the station!
The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers also award a Science Prize each year as part the NCW Celebration Day. This years winner was Honey who was nominated by Mr Stark for her love of everything science. Honey has completed projects in her own time which have involved research, design, building and testing, completing projects independently, with project briefs set by staff. These projects have included a working fridge, and a solar oven. She is involved in the Greenpower car project and always attends Science Club. Honey was over the moon with her award and her love of science has continued.
We are very grateful to the Worshipful Company of Lightmongers for their support and look forward to future events.