Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

A Sports Day scorcher!

Recorded as the hottest day EVER on Tuesday 19 July, previous plans to hold our annual NCW Sports Day outside were to be rethought!

With COVID scuppering our previous two Sports Days in 2020 and 2021, Mrs Price, Head of PE, was determined to not let anything stop her meticulous organising for this year.  Many NCW students have not been able to take part in Sports Day in their previous schools, so it is really important that we are able to give students that opportunity.

Students across school were grouped into teams (Warriors, Flicks, Rapids, Wolves and Black Pears) and were given a carousel of different races and games to tackle, which were all held in school and out of the sweltering sun.
Staff were on hand with unlimited supplies of water and words of encouragement!

The afternoon was spent in the pool keeping cool for a fun swimming gala.

Here is an account of the morning session by Mrs Fisher and Ahmed…

Remarkable effort from Phoebe in both rowing and in running for the Wolves; perhaps it was Mrs Madden’s rousing chorus of ‘Do you hear the people sing’ that buoyed her along.

Huge shout out for Emma’s spectacular performance on rowing machine for the Warriors. She managed a whopping 2560 with Phoebe also pushing herself beyond the limit!

Victory on the Vortex from Maxwell with the vortex whistling through the air scoring loads of points for Fantastic Flicks. Mrs Rosoman’s expert demonstration hinted that she had previous experience of throwing things. Shapes? Whiteboard rubbers?

Joe B ran like a hungry wolf for the Wolves. His team mates howled their support!

Amelie and Mustafa worked brilliantly together co-ordinating the Black Pears on the Obstacle Course. Both Luke and Ram demonstrated top-notch human boinging on the standing jump.

Mr Lythgoe and Mr Swainland battled against each other from the very beginning. It was Computer Science versus MFL up close and personal cheered on by the rest of the Rapids. (Natalie provided them with a medley of musical theatre classics!)

It was brilliant to see students getting involved and having fun. 
Well done to the Rapids for being the most supportive team in the paddleboard relay. 
Excellent teamwork from the Wolves in the obstacle course, and great creativity and engineering shown in the tower challenge with the Flicks reaching a height of 89cm.

The results!

It was very close in the end, congratulations to everyone for participating!

In fifth place it was Warriors, closely followed by Flicks in fourth. Blacks Pears came third, Rapids were second and the reigning winners were Wolves!

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