A Level results day is always an exciting day that students and staff wait for with anticipation, and this year was no exception. After two years of remote learning, teacher assessed grades and a lack of ‘real’ exam experience it was an even greater challenge for students approaching such an important milestone.
We are delighted that once again, all students who are hoping to go on to higher education are able to go to their first choice of university. There were some really excellent results including Martha who achieved three A grades and is off to study Drama at Lancaster University, Tobias who has a place at Oxford University to study Russian and German with two As and a B and Asriel who achieved an A and two Bs and is set to start at Bath University to study Politics.
Principal Nic Ross said “It is wonderful to be able to share news of high academic success for our students at this level. All of our leaving students have gained either higher education, further education or employment, which is exactly what we would hope for. We are very proud of all our leavers and wish them all the very best of luck in the future.”