To complement our students’ academic studies, we are committed to providing practical advice and guidance to students choosing their careers after Sixth form.
This includes research on job sector opportunities and also work experience or supported internship opportunities with local companies and businesses. The programmes are set up to provide practical and emotional support where needed, including travel, safety checks, coaching and regular progress checks/reviews.
Our careers team encourages students to consider work placements when discussing their options, either as an addition or alternative to higher education.
Student Harley has exceptional talents in the field of IT and is currently on a supported internship placement with Dolphin Computer Access, a company who specialise in assistive technology for people with vision impairment. From the outset, he joined the team with enthusiasm, willingness to try any task given to him and to make suggestions for improvements. He is now a valued member of the support and testing teams and his contributions are very well received by his colleagues and management.
Fiona Madden, Strategic Lead for Student Progress at NCW, said: “We are delighted that Harley is gaining valuable experience at Dolphin but also that he is making a real positive contribution to the role. It is a perfect example of how taking on a person with a disability can really be mutually beneficial. We are very proud of him and grateful to Dolphin for the opportunity”
The careers team at NCW is very keen to work with local employers to help them consider the benefits of employing young people with any disabilities, not only vision impairment. With support, it isn’t as difficult as it seems and the results are well worth it! We are very happy to engage with employers who are interested in finding out more and support them through the process.
As for Harley, he has an excellent opportunity to evidence his knowledge and abilities and the next stage is to compile a ‘cracking CV’!!