Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

International Students


NCW welcomes students from all over the world and offers a unique educational experience for children from the age of 11 years old who are blind or vision impaired.

With teachers who are subject specialists and also qualified to teach children who are vision impaired the education at NCW is bespoke to every individual child, tailored around their skills, experience and abilities, and of course their vision impairment.

Residential care staff at NCW have many years of experience caring for children who are blind or vision impaired and will ensure the transition is smooth and that your child is safe, cared for and happy during their time at NCW.

Groups of students

Why study at NCW as an International Student? ​

We are very proud of our diverse student body and believe that the education we offer to young people who are vision impaired is world class. Both in terms of academic achievement and learning life skills that are essential for people who are vision impaired, our students form friendships which last a lifetime and they leave us with the self-confidence and skills essential for the next stage of life, whatever and wherever that may be. NCW is licensed as a Tier 4 sponsor for overseas students.

  • English National Curriculum
  • Bespoke education for blind and vision impaired young people
  • Central location in UK
  • Established links with Host Families / Guardian scheme
  • On site guest house for visiting family
  • Qualified UK QTVI teachers (Qualified Teachers of Vision Impaired)
  • Peer group / social interaction
  • Diverse student population
  • No barriers to learning
  • Prayer room
General - Malvern Lawn

Curriculum and Specialist VI Curriculum

Students follow the English National Curriculum at GCSE and A Level alongside intervention teaching where required. Information about the core curriculum can be found here: Core Curriculum Subjects

Alongside our English National Curriculum at NCW we have a specialist curriculum for learners who are vision impaired. More information about this can be found here: The Specialist VI Curriculum

For children and young people who are blind or vision impaired, education at NCW goes beyond the classroom. As part of schooling at Worcester students can participate in trips around the UK, experience a wealth of UK culture and further develop English language skills. We offer an extensive programme of evening and weekend activities which can include culture specific activities if required. All international students at NCW live in boarding houses alongside British students so also have the opportunity to improve English language outside the classroom. Visual impairment is no barrier to our International students participating in a fantastic range of sports and activities that take place outside of lessons, including art, music, drama, extracurricular activities, social events, house competitions plus day and residential trips. 

Why Worcester?

We ensure that individual cultural identities are respected and maintained, as well as introducing young people to the very best of British culture. The Cathedral city of Worcester, centrally located in the UK, 25 minutes from the UK’s second city Birmingham and 2 hours 30 minutes from London, forms a perfect base to experience the UK as well as being one of Britain’s safest cities. Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon is close by, the Malvern Hills are on our doorstep and the River Severn flows through the centre of the city offering a range of water-based experiences. Worcester itself has a rich history, playing a major part in the 17th Century English Civil War.

More information about Worcester can be found here: Why Worcester?

Holidays and Exeat (home) weekends

It is our expectation that students will return to their home country for the longer holidays (Christmas, Easter and Summer). For exeat or home weekends and half term holidays if the student is unable to return home we are able to put you in touch with our partnership agency to organise a Guardian and Host family.


Each child at NCW is assessed academically, residentially and socially so that it can be ensured that NCW can meet their needs before a place is offered. Following this assessment an offer will be made which outlines the fees which, depending on the level of support the child requires.   There may be extra costs for a single room and additional support from Learning Support Assistants, Personal Support Assistants or other additional specialist care and travel costs and host family costs would be charged separately.

The fees for each child is advised after the child has been assessed.

Entry Criteria and Admissions Process

All our students have a residential assessment so we can be sure that NCW is able to meet their needs, both academically and residentially. This will be arranged with the family and would be at least a two night stay.

The priority for entry to NCW is that a students’ primary Special Educational Need (SEN) is their vision impairment. We do accept students with additional needs if we are able to meet their needs and their vision impairment is their primary SEN.
Students will need a Visa and a CAS (application for study), which we are able to support you to complete with a valid Visa number, passport number and family information.

You will need to advise us how it is intended for the young person to be funded.

International Entrance Procedure: 

  1. Fill in the online registration form and return it via the website
  2. We will contact you and, if appropriate, arrange a telephone or video interview over SKYPE, FaceTime or similar
  3. Supplementary information may be required eg current school reports, medical report
  4. NCW will offer a mutually agreeable weekend assessment visit for the young person and a carer
  5. Offer of a place will be made and information of relevant fee given 

For any queries regarding International Admissions please complete the contact form below, email: [email protected] or telephone +44 1905 763933

Your details


Details of child with vision impairment

Other details

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