This term we are delighted to be working with Stratford Girls’ Grammar School on an exciting joint Art and Drama project, “Little Red Riding Hood.” Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have been creating amazing masks and artwork and working on character studies all based on the classic fairy tale.
Last week students were invited to Stratford Girls’ to see and take part in the work they have created.
The visit started with students being able to explore interactive installation pieces all based on elements of the fairy tale. There was Mother’s cottage, the wood, Grandma’s home, ink-stained trees hanging from the ceiling and chairs for each of the main characters. Students loved sitting in Grandma’s chair which was cosy and smelt of lavender. The wolf’s chair was covered in scratchy fur and Red’s chair was covered in scrumptious soft velvet. As well as all the incredible art, there was also live music based on the “Into the Woods” Broadway Musical. Students also enjoyed exploring textured clay tiles and projections on the ceiling and walls.
Students were then invited to take an active part in the retelling of the story. They had tea with Little Red Riding Hood’s family and then went off on the journey to Grandma’s house with Red. They went through the enchanted wood and met a charming but alarming wolf! Finally, they were saved by a dashing Huntsman and met Grandma who had hidden in fear!
Throughout the play students were asked to join in, setting the table, feeling the drawing of the wolf, exploring the textures of the woodland and the large wolf puppet and listening to the music, birds and sounds around them.
A fabulous time was had by all and NCW Students are excited to show the Stratford Girls’ their plays and artwork as well as getting them to try Braille and tactile elements in Art.