For over 30 years, NCW has had a long-standing partnership with Blista. Blista is a nationwide competence centre for people with blindness and visual impairment as well as an open and lively educational and meeting place for young and old in Marburg, Germany .
Erik is a student at Blista and when they contacted NCW and asked if Erik could come and study here at NCW, we were of course delighted to host him for 6 months.
Pre-COVID NCW had done many, many exchanges with Blista. These exchanges have enabled our students to experience a different culture and submerge themselves in the German language. A past NCW student even did a work experience placement in Marburg. Marburg is a special city that is known as “a city for the blind” where there are countless adaptations for people with a vision impairment.
The NCW community has enjoyed having Erik for 6 months and is sad to see him return to Germany. At Celebration Day, staff and students were able to celebrate the achievements of our students and this included Erik. Erik was awarded two awards: “KS5 Special Award” and “The Speakers Award for Inspiring Others.” We wish him well in the future, hope that he keeps in contact and visits us again soon.