Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Celebration Day 2024! A Day to Celebrate the NCW Community

A collage of photos arranged in a grid format, with the words "Celebration Day" and the date "29/06/24" prominently displayed in the center. The images show various people engaging in activities like swimming, working, playing, and smiling. Sparkling effects are overlaid on the collage, adding a festive touch. The photos highlight diverse moments of joy and accomplishment.

Celebration Day is a very special day in the NCW calendar – it is when the NCW Community comes together for a day of speeches, music, awards, celebration and showcases. It is also a day when we say goodbye to our Leavers, happy in the knowledge that they are confident, prepared and ready for life beyond our College.

Having listened to the feedback from students, parents and staff, this Celebration Day took a slightly different format. There was of course beautiful music, inspirational speeches and the traditional awards but also the opportunity for students to show their families the various department showcases around the campus. We were also honoured to be joined by our esteemed patron Lord Faulkner of Worcester, our avid and most generous supporters The Worshipful Company of Lightmongers and double Paralympic winner Ian Rose.    

The weather was kind and visitors were able to enjoy refreshments on the lawn with fellow parents and guests. Guests were then treated to a beautiful concert in the chapel which featured the choir, Musical Theatre Group and five solos from students that are leaving NCW this year. Please listen below to audio from the amazing performances:   

Lydia's performance of: “Take Me to Church” (alternative lyrics by Michelle)

Klara's performance of: “How to Return Home” from Tales from the Bad Years

Amy's performance of: “Someone to Watch Over me” by George and Ira Gershwin

Daniel's performance of: “The Mikado Song” from The Mikado

Isabelle's performance of: “Someone Like You” from Jekyll and Hyde

The guest speaker for the day was Ian Rose. Ian is a Paralympian Judoka who won a bronze medal at the Atlanta 1996 and silver at the Athens 2004 Paralympic Games. Ian is also vision impaired and his lived experience echoed throughout his speech. Students and parents could relate to the challenges he has faced throughout his life. Ian had the audience in the palm of his hand as he talked about his journey from a shy 7 year old boys that was teased for being different, to the incredible confident man that he is now with so many achievements under his belt. Ian is also the Judo Trainer for NCW student Rico. Rico is on a similar path to Ian and we hope to see him in the Paralympics one day representing Team GB. 

Photographs of Ian Rose Double Paralympian:

After the speeches, guests and students then enjoyed a delicious lunch in the Dining Room, tours of the residential accommodation for 24/25, music in the Youth Club and showcases’ around the school.  There was a definite buzz in the air and students were proud to show their families the different departments and examples of how their learning is made accessible.    

After lunch, the excitement levels rose as the award ceremony started. Students across all of the years were commended for not only academic achievements , but also for service to the community, attitude to learning and extracurricular involvement.    

Photographs of the some of the award winners:

As a college we would like to thank everyone that supported the students on this special day. Many travelled from afar and took the time to appreciate the NCW Community and the many achievements of our students and Leavers. We wish our Leavers all the best in the future and thank them for the positive contribution that they have made to NCW.  We look forward to hearing about their adventures and achievements over the years to come. 

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