The LONG wait over summer is finally over and NCW students now have their exam results! The whole of the NCW community up and down the country has been rooting for our students and have enjoyed celebrating in their success. We are thrilled with the achievements of all students and look forward to seeing what amazing things they get up to next.
I am absolutely delighted with the results achieved. Students have worked incredibly hard and their results are testament to this. Very many congratulations to all of our students who have received their results today.
Rachel Perks - Principal
Young learners who are vision impaired face additional challenges that can inhibit learning. At NCW we recognise what these challenges are and ensure they are overcome on a daily basis. Alongside the academic achievements of our students, we are also proud of the skills that students have learnt in Independent Living Skills, Braille, Mobility and Assistive Technology whilst at NCW. We believe that these skills will ensure our students will live as independently as possible in their communities, and participate and contribute to those communities.
We are delighted with the success across the whole college. Some of these results have included:
- All students studying GCSE Food Technology achieved at least a 5
- All students studying AS Modern Foreign languages achieved A – C
- All students sitting a French, Spanish and German FCSE achieved a Distinction or Merit.
- All students studying Religious Studies passed
- All students studying BTEC Domestic Cookery passed.
- All students studying BTEC Music Performance achieved a Merit or Distinction
- All students studying AS Psychology achieved A*-C
- All students studying AS Sociology achieved A – C
Just a few of the amazing achievements have included:

Daniel got Distinctions in BTEC Music Performance and Music technology and B in German. He will be heading off to university in 2025.

Klara achieved an A, B and Merit and is off to university in September to study Modern languages.

Rico passed his BTEC Music Technology and got a Merit in Sports Studies.

Lydia got two A*s and a Distinction in BTEC Music Performance!
What a fantastic set of results from our fabulous sixth form! Our students are so resilient and do not let their vision impairment get in the way of success. We have students going off to Birmingham Uni, Durham, and Reading University to name a few this year, as well as others going in to work and further education. Students have had success in subjects as diverse as Music Technology, Politics, Psychology, German, Computer Science and Chemistry, PE, English Lit and many, many more. We are all so proud and wish them every success in the next stage of their lives.
Will Stark- Assistant Principal - A Level Results
GCSE results were eagerly anticipated as well and some parents have shared the moment their young person received their grades.
Watch below to see Chloe and Phoebe’s reaction to their grades!
Chloe’s parents were delighted with the results and extremely proud of what Chloe has achieved:
Chloe arrived at NCW angry, scared, dependant on us without any belief in herself and her ability. Through the support from education, care and the specialist VI skills programme she has blossomed into a wonderful 16 year old. It hasn't been plain sailing as she had many walls up and her Multi Sensory Impairment means she faces alot of barriers. Thank you to the SENCO Team for pulling the team together when needed and finding a way forward. Thank you for all those who have worked with Chloe and helped her to understand just how competent she is. The friendships she has formed are totally priceless and have encouraged her love of musicals. All parents want is our children to be happy, connected and to believe in themselves and their ability. This is the Chloe we are delighted to be spending the summer with. She no longer hides under her desk at home feeling like the weird blind girl. We look forward to Chloe joining 6th form and working in partnership with NCW to help her step into her future.
Mr and Mrs Ring
Head of Key Stage 4 Miss Rule, came in early to school this morning to be on hand to support students receiving their grades. Needless to say, Miss Rule was delighted with the results! Please see below.
Our students have once again exceeded expectations! Vision impairment is not a barrier to success at New College Worcester! The specialist staff and unique resources have allowed our students to flourish and exceed national average grades. Students have worked incredibly hard and have achieved some outstanding results across the board. We have budding Actors, Radio Presenters, Animal Scientists, Politicians and Therapists in this year’s GCSE cohort, we cannot wait to support them in the next stage of their educational journey! Massive congratulations to the class of 2024!
Will Stark- Assistant Principal - GCSE Results