Following last term’s Ofsted inspection of the Residential Provision at NCW, we are absolutely delighted to be able to share the final report which shows that NCW are ‘Good’ in all areas.
The report highlights some of the key strengths of the school including the opportunities for students to spend time with their friends, the development and improvement of independence skills and support for those with complex needs.
The report includes some heart-warming observations about the residential care provision, not least these quotes from parents which were included in the report:
“This school has been a lifeline for us, and I feel that it is more than just a school, it is everything that goes with it.”
“We are extremely happy with the school and the support our child receives could not be matched at any other school.”
Principal Rachel Perks said, “The outcome of the inspection is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the staff and the resilience and attitude of the students, which are what make NCW such a wonderful setting for children and young people with a vision impairment. Our goal is to offer families the highest levels of education and care for their young people and that we are achieving that goal is clearly reflected in the report, which highlights our clear safeguarding procedures, commitment to children’s wellbeing and that our students also have fun!”
The full report is available to view by clicking here.