This week, we had an exciting visitor to the Art Department! Local artist Jake Coates and his adorable labradoodle Molly, spent the day with Sixth Form students Carys and Emma and Year 10.
NCW art teacher Mrs Kings, always encourages her AS/A Level Art Students to find and research artists that inspire them. As part of her research for AS/A Level Art, Carys came across local artist Jake Coates. Jake predominantly works in coloured pencils and pastel pencils and the majority of his work is commissioned pet/animal, child and family portraits. As a lover of all things animal-related, Carys immediately loved his work and included Jake in her research. Mrs Kings had followed Jake’s work for a number of years and together they decided to write to him and invite him to NCW. Imagine their excitement when Jake responded immediately with “Yes, I would love to visit!”
Jake spent the day with art students Carys and Emma and Year 10 looking at their artwork, finding out how art is made accessible to someone with a vision impairment and passing some of his artist wisdom on to the younger generation. Having a professional artist come to NCW and support our students and pass on their knowledge is invaluable. Thank you Jake and Molly for visiting and supporting our students.
Having Jake come and see what our students can do is fantastic! His art is very visual but the skills he uses are so transferable. It was a pleasure meeting them both, and the students definitely loved every minute of it. Jake has asked to come back and we would be very happy to have him.
Mrs Kings
It was a pleasure to meet Jake and Molly yesterday. I really enjoyed having a go at using the oil pastel powder to create the picture of the guinea pigs and horse. Thanks to Jake for showing me how he creates his work and for giving me two of his pieces. I really enjoyed showing him my work and how it can be made more accessible.
Carys - NCW Student