Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.


Students have lots of opportunity to travel off campus and outside of the UK as part of their educational learning.

Students may travel to partner schools in Spain and Germany as part of the Languages curriculum, or take part in field trips to Europe for their learning in Humanities.

NCW is involved in the Erasmus+ international programme, which supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Through this programme, students are able to develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries, such as Bulgaria and Romania. 

Additionally, students have the opportunity to undergo international work experience through our formed links with partner schools. This is a fantastic experience for students, and allows them to be adventurous and curious beyond their comfort zone. Students also love the ability to be completely independent and discovering the culture of another country.

Group in Bulgaria
"During June 2019, I had the enormous pleasure of undertaking my work experience in Marburg, Germany at a historical learning institute for young persons who are vision impaired. I gained a tremendous amount of insight which I subsequently used for my A2 French and German studies."
Year 13
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