The courses in Health and Social Care offer students the opportunity to understand why quality care is important, the importance of clear communication and how health and social care is planned to meet the needs of individuals and a community.
The courses provide good preparation for life and for working within the sector.
- The visual nature of some topics
- The need to understand and interpret graphs and tables
- The need to read large amount of information to support the work in the classroom
- Lack of the incidental learning which is acquired through sight

Examples of adaptations for vision impaired students
- There is flexibility in the options which can be taught allowing a choice of topic areas that are more accessible to our students and which allow the students to engage more with the subject.
- Time is allowed for students to read larger amounts of text whether it is large print, Braille or electronic.
- Students will be involved in planning and conducting different research tasks to help them grasp some of the more difficult methodological concepts involved in carrying out research in health and social care.
- Structured work on developing research skills using resource banks of large print, Braille and electronic materials.
- Use of tactile diagrams e.g. graphs and tables.
- Resources are available in large print, Braille and electronic versions.
- Accessible tools are provided to students so they can plan, implement and reflect on their research.
To read about the Health and Social Care Curriculum Intent, please click the button below:
Level 3 Applied Diploma in Health and Social Care