Whilst we have been unable to be in the classroom, Modern Foreign Languages lessons have been running according to the timetable with students logging on to lessons on Google Meet.
In languages we continue to deliver the curriculum whilst trying to make the content exciting during our virtual lessons. In MFL we try to be creative and make the most of technology to incorporate language games. Here is what some of our students had to say:
Since the start of the current half-term Year 9s and Year 11s have opted for one of the languages we offer (Spanish, French or German) and have been preparing for the next stage of their language learning.
In Spanish A-level we are studying the film “La Lengua de las Mariposas” (Butterfly’s Tongue) which is an award winning Spanish film about a young boy trying to make sense of the world and the special relationship he has with his teacher. The film also allows us to explore Spain in 1936, right before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. The film is adapted from a book by Manuel Rivas called “¿Qué me quieres, Amor?”
We also promote students’ supporting each other and we are grateful in particular to one of our A-level students, Harrison, whose input with Year 11 French and German lessons has been very valuable.
We look forward to more language learning! But for now…
Au revoir!
Auf Wiedersehen !