Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Lockdown Living Skills

Lesson highlights

Mrs Browning teaching ILS remotelyDuring lockdown in 2019, Mrs Browning worked remotely with Year 8 students Alejandro and Joe on their Independence Skills via Google Meet.

Joe is worked on spreading, and once set up at home with help from his dad, Mrs Browning was able to guide Joe as he practised using a spoon to spread butter onto a piece of bread.

Alejandro needed a little more support from his mum – but working together, Mrs Browning can advise mum and Alejandro how to develop their skills and can see exactly what’s going on in Alejandro’s kitchen. Alejandro worked on his skills filling a cup from the tap – learning to follow the line of the tap until he has the cup in the correct position.

Watch a brilliant video below which show’s Leo brilliantly making a BLT sandwich!

Practising Skills

Other students such as Carys in Year 9 have been practising their ILS skills independently. Carys has hung out the washing after using the machine herself, and has been busy in the kitchen making some delicious looking biscuits!

Meanwhile Jake, in Year 8, has been practising folding his clothes and learning how to change his bedding!

Carys hanging out washing and cooking

Practical Support

Our Independent Living Skills team is working hard to support parents during this difficult time. From Q&A clinics in the evenings to ironing one to ones we are there to support parents and students with any of their living skills needs.

One evening in May, Mrs Williams ran a one to one session with Max and his mum supporting them learning how to iron.

Mrs Williams on a remote one to one with Max and his mum
Mrs Williams on a remote one to one with Max and his mum
Max putting up the ironing board
Max ironing

ILS Parents Video Q&A!

At the beginning of May, Head of Independent Living Skills, Nathalie Emanuel, held an evening digital Question & Answer session for parents. During the session parents had the opportunity to share their challenges during the lockdown period, ask questions and even book in additional one-to-one sessions with ILS staff to focus on particular challenges. Also joining the session was Emma Williams, who as part of the ILS team is responsible for the NCW Activities for Daily Living Programme. With a wealth of experience with students, and having a vision impairment herself, Mrs Williams was also able to give helpful tips to parents.

Among the topics covered were how to safely clean up broken glass, how to get started with learning ironing, how to motivate teenagers to be independent and whether any specialist equipment in the kitchen is really worth the investment.

Nathalie Emanuel runs a Q&A session
Nathalie Emanuel runs a Q&A session

Read the Childhood Chores blog, written by Nathalie Emanuel, Head of Independent Living Skills.

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