Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

PE & Fitness in Lockdown

PE Lessons

Since the UK went into lockdown, keeping healthy and staying physically fit has been crucial to maintain physical and mental wellbeing. 

At NCW, lessons have been continuing to timetable with Head of PE, Mrs Price, giving Joe Wicks a run for his money! We dropped into a Year 7/8 lesson via Google Hangouts to find Alejandro, Emma and Leo being put through their paces to music, with Mrs Price describing the exercises and giving encouragement. 

As students at NCW participate in PE lessons all through the year, the Year 7s and 8s were already familiar with most of the drills they were put through. Towards the end of the lesson students were able to contribute and suggest which exercises came next. 

With a sound track of high-energy music to exercise along to, we think Mrs Price probably has a whole new career ahead of her in online fitness!


Phil's Fitness Sessions

Activities Co-ordinator, Phil, has also been running afternoon sessions for students to participate in. As an optional activity to sign up to, it’s the really committed fitness lovers who join the Meet session for Phil’s Military Style fitness sessions!

Mrs Price on her home exercise bike
Phil cycled past NCW

Lands End to John O'Groats Challenge

At the beginning of May we embarked on a huge virtual challenge to pool all our exercise miles to try and make it from one end of the UK to the other. We smashed it! Great for our fitness, mental health and it brought us all together in tough times…

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