Donations to NCW Library
New College Worcester library welcomes braille donations.Each donation is assessed individually, by the Library Manager according to its merits. All donations should be offered on the understanding that items may be given away or disposed of according to the NCW process for any deselected library stock.
Standard English Braille
Please note that braille in Standard English Braille format is discouraged as few students now read it. Although it is possible to still read it, decoding SEB can put off new learners.

Accepted Materials
Materials for the NCW Library are accepted if:
Braille is in UEB (RNIB adopted in 2013). No SEB.
Not older than 10 years unless:
- Considered a classics title that students still like to read for example, Little Women by LM Alcott
- Considered of academic interest to current users or difficult to obtain in Braille for example, the library has a Braille dictionary in SEB
Please note: items presented as suitable for the college archives should be referred to the NCW Archives Manager.

Donation Details
Please contact New College Worcester in the first instance detailing, if possible, the:
- Titles
- format (print font size, Braille grade)
- origin of the Braille (for example RNIB)
- whether Unified English Braille or Standard English Braille (if known)
The librarian will then be pleased to discuss the donation with you.

The Braille Book Swop
When considering where to send Braille, many Braille items are more suited for sharing within the VI community. The Braille Book Swop group has been set up to facilitate the exchange of hard-copy braille books primarily in the UK. The method for transporting books is left to individuals. Members wishing to make a book available are encouraged to post a short review of the book and the number of braille pamphlets it consists of. [email protected] | Home