The KS3 journey aims to develop a range of skills that will allow the learner to find strategies to enable them to gain independence. It will access skills such as equipment identification, weighing and measuring which in turn leads to exploring recipes and electrical equipment. All aspects of life skills will be covered enabling personal goals with regard to organisation, use of apps, food preparation, cooking skills and clothes care.
The knowledge of healthy eating, basic nutrition, food choices and food hygiene are taught whilst developing core skills. Learners are given the opportunity to embed processes and to act creatively whilst learning these life skills.
In KS4 we build and consolidate the skills learnt in KS3 by increasing complexity of recipes and considering the importance that food plays in our holisitic wellbeing. Using this knowledge, we complete a Food Hygiene certificate and Btec Level 1 or 2 Home cooking qualification. This aids transition into sixth form and work experience opportunities.
A differentiated programme is offered to all in KS5, building upon the needs of the individual learner. The aim of Activities for Daily Living is to promote and develop independence in a wide range of every day skills by creating personalised strategies. There is the opportunity to progress the BTec Home Cooking certificate. We review benefits and entitlements for aiding access to work and a lifestyle that is fulfilling.
BTec Home Cooking Level 1 and Level 2
This course enables the learner to produce breakfast, snacks and main course meals which are healthy and nutritious, thus applying the skills developed in the ILS programme.
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. It encourages learners to cook, enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.
Level 3 Applied Food Science and Nutrition
This is an Applied General qualification. This means it is designed primarily to support learners progressing to university and pursuing careers or learning, knowledge and understanding, in related areas such as the food science and nutrition industry.
Topics covered include:
- Food Safety and Environmental Health
- Food Science
- Nutritional Needs of Specific Groups
- Medical Conditions linked to Diet
- Dietetics, Current Food Initiatives and Health Eating Guidelines
Nathalie Emanuel
September 2023