Ofsted Inspection 2024
In November 2024, the education provision at NCW was inspected by Ofsted. We are delighted that the overall judgements were:
The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Outstanding
Personal development: Outstanding
Leadership and management: Good
Sixth-form provision: Good
"This school inspires, nurtures, and empowers pupils to succeed both in their education and in later life.."

"The relationships between staff and pupils are built on mutual respect and nurturing.
Interactions are filled with smiles, laughter, and joy.."

"The school enables students to learn to live and work independently."

"Skilled teachers deliver the school’s curriculum. They carry out initial assessments of
pupils’ abilities when they start school. They then adapt the curriculum for each pupil’s
individual need."
November 2024Ofsted
"Subject leaders are experts in their curriculum. They make sure that a range of resources enable pupils to access their learning"
November 2024Ofsted
"Pupils’ personal development is a strength of the school. It is a priority. By ensuring pupils learn important life skills, the school prepares pupils very well for their next steps and
adulthood. For example, students in the sixth form know that learning how to cook and clean through the ‘independent living skills curriculum’ will enable them to live independently at university"
November 2024Ofsted